10 Hymns for Unaccompanied Trumpet
These 10 hymns are arranged in several different traditional trumpet/cornet styles that are often seen in solos that have a theme and different variations. Each of these arrangements has two verses, one verse stating the theme and then the second verse with one of several different styles of variations. Since there is no accompaniment there is a lot of room for expressiveness.
These arrangements were written with trumpet in mind since that is what I play but they could be played by any instrument. In fact, I have sold these to several woodwind players as well.

Listen to these arrangements here:
Christ Arose (Low in the Grave He Lay)
The Solid Rock
How Firm a Foundation
What A Friend We Have in Jesus
Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling
Love Lifted Me
I Surrender All
Take My Life and Let it Be
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

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